Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal and his deputy Sukhbir Singh Badal will meet Prime Minister Manmohan Singh tomorrow, in connection with the death row convict Devinderpal Singh Bhullar case.
"Both Badals will meet the Prime Minister tomorrow to seek commutation of death sentence of Bullar to life imprisonment," H S Bains political advisor on national affairs to Badal told PTI here tonight.
Earlier, Akal Takth, the top temporal seat of Sikhs, had directed SGPC, known to be mini parliament of Sikhs, to ensure measures to save Bhullar from gallows.
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Badal too had been maintaining that Bhuller's death penalty be reverted to life imprisonment.
The veteran SAD leader is apprehending that hanging Bhullar could vitiate peaceful environment of Punjab.
Meanwhile, Supreme Court lawyers H S Phoolka is prepared to file a petition in the court seeking mercy for Bhullar next week.