BJP general secretary Bhupendra Yadav today condemned the JNU incident said the party will take the Jan Swabhiman Abhiyan to the villages to expose those who mislead the people of the nation in the name of freedom of expression.
"Whatever happened in JNU in the name of freedom of expression is very unfortunate and condemnable," he said.
Addressing party workers at Chomu, Yadav said the party has decided to take up the Abhiyan in the interest of the unity and integrity of the nation.
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He said that Modi government has taken up several decisions in the interests of farmers, poor people and the nation as a whole.
State in charge of the party affairs Avinash Rai Khanna, party's state president Ashok Parnami also condemned the JNU incident.
The other party leaders including MP Ramcharan Bohra, Rajasthan Social Justice minister Arun Chaturvedi, MLA Surendra Pareek and others were present on the occasion.