The Bihar police today said it would take custody of the arrested Indian Mujahideen (IM) chief Tehseen Akhtar alias Monu, one of the most wanted terrorist blamed for a number of terror attacks including last year's serial bomb blasts at BJP's Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi's Patna rally.
"We are preparing papers to seek custody of Tehseen Akhtar alias Monu in connection with a case registered with Gandhi Maidan police station related to serial blasts at a rally in Patna on October 27 last year," Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) IGP Paresh Saxena told PTI.
"Legally, we are bound to take his custody in connection with Gandhi Maidan case," he said.
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Meanwhile, a Samastipur report said that an eerie silence prevailed in Maniyari under Kalyanpur police station, about 16-km from Samastipur district headquarters.
Nobody in Maniyari was willing to talk on the issue and when contacted Akhtar's uncle Takki Akhtar, also a JD(U) leader, said that he has already clarified that he and his family has no contact with IM operative's family.