Former Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit today congratulated Nitish Kumar on the "spectacular victory" of the grand alliance in Bihar assembly elections calling it a triumph of pluralism and democracy.
A three-time former Chief Minister of Delhi, Dikshit telephoned Kumar and extended her best wishes to him so that he can stand up to the expectations of the people of Bihar who had overwhelmingly supported the alliance led by him.
"Dikshit told Kumar that the victory has great significance for the country as it reflected triumph of India's pluralism and democracy. She said that the victory also sends a message that people of India have rejected communal politics," a close aide of Dikshit said.
As verdict of people in Bihar gave it a thumping victory, the Nitish Kumar-led Grand Alliance cornered the largest vote share of nearly 46 per cent as against NDA's nearly 34 per cent.