The single-judge bench of Justice Prashant Mishra reserved its order on granting bail to Chaudhary arrested on Jaunary 22, 2008 from Maharashtra Sadan Working Women's Hostel here for allegedly supplying weapons and communication gadgets to the ultras.
She was subsequently booked under Chhattisgarh Public Safety Act.
The high court had earlier directed the state government to submit Chaudhary's medical status after the Nirmala Buch Committee filed its report on her medical condition, advocate Satish Verma representing the jailed naxal told reporters today.
A district court had earlier rejected Chaudhary's bail application following which she moved the high court.
During the hearing, the state government told the court that it was not against granting relief to the naxal.
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The court then directed the state government to file an affidavit stating its stand on Chaudhary's bail.
First affidavit in this regard was filed by Raipur Additional Collector, Shammi Abidi, which was rejected by the court on the ground of being "unsatisfactory". The court also struck down two more affidavits filed by the Raipur collector Siddharth Pardeshi in this regard on the same grounds.
The High Court had then directed the Principal Secretary (Home) to attend the hearing and directed him and other senior officials including Abidi and Pardeshi to submit Chaudhary's medical report.