The Rs 6.35 crore bill sent by the Centre to Punjab was not for Pathankot operation but for deployment of central forces, government told Lok Sabha today, seeking to clarify on the matter against the backdrop of a controversy over it.
The government response came after the issue was raised by Congress leader Jyotiraditya Scindia who attacked the government over the move.
"I wish to clarify as this has been raised in the House and also in the media. The bill sent to Punjab was for deployment of central forces in the state and not for the Pathankot operation," Minister of State for Home Affairs Kiren Rijiju said in response.
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Scindia hit back, wondering if it was a mere "coincidence" to send the bill after the Pathankot attack.
Punjab government has already objected to the sending of the bill.
Pathankot Airbase was attacked by a group of terrorists on January one and it took three days for the security forces to clear the complex of the attackers.