Noted theatre person and Bollywood actress, Seema Biswas will perform a one act play 'Streer Patra', a Hindi adaptation of Rabindranath Tagore's drama, on August 27 here.
The 45 minute Hindi play, will be directed by Seema Biswas herself, a press release here said.
The 49-year-old actress will also be launching the logo of 'Ekaharya', a performance festival conducted by Rajeev Varma memorial trust at nearby Tripunithura on August 27.
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Ekaharya festival will be held here from December 25-28 at the Tripunithura Kalikotta palace.
Tagore's Streer Patra was penned down in a letter format and recounts the life experiences of the protagonist, Mrinal, who having abandoned her marital life, writes a letter to her husband.
The paradox of her life is that while her beauty is forgotten by everybody including her husband, her intelligence is a source of discomfort to all. In an attempt to curb her intelligence, the family relegates her to the periphery of the household, and denies her identity. That is when Mrinal asserts her individuality and decides to break free.