BJP leader Yashwant Sinha, who is a member of the Committee, said his party has lost faith in the panel and did not expect it to uncover the truth.
"All of us have come to the conclusion that there is no point in continuing to serve in the JPC because the manner in which the Chairman of the JPC is functioning, it is quite clear that the Joint Parliamentary Committee is not now an instrument for uncovering the truth," Sinha told reporters here.
Alleging that the Committee has become an "instrument" for "putting a cover to conceal and not indulge in honest inquiry", Sinha said, a decision on whether the BJP members would continue in the panel will be taken after discussions with the party leadership soon.
Sinha said the party will deliberate on this soon after Thursday's Bharat bandh organised by the party against the diesel price hike and FDI issues.
His statement came hours after the BJP members led by him walked out of the JPC meeting, alleging that they were being "gagged" and not allowed to speak on the issue of finalising the list of witnesses to be called before the Committee.
The BJP members had stormed out of the last JPC meeting on August 22 also following a clash with Congress members.
"We will apprise the party leadership of all that has transpired and the party will soon take a decision soon," he said. (MORE)