BJP today asked the Election Commission to provide security to its workers in Kerala and take action to ensure free and fair elections as it cited "targeted attacks" on them allegedly by CPI(M) workers.
A delegation of party leaders, including Union Ministers J P Nadda who is incharge of the Kerala assembly polls, along with Prakash Javadekar, Nirmala Sitharaman and Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, submitted a memorandum to the Election Commission in this regard.
"The series of targeted attacks on BJP workers by CPI(M) activists is a very serious matter which puts a big question mark on whether the elections to the State assembly would be peaceful, free and fair," the memorandum said.
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It is incumbent on the part of the Election Commission to seek a detailed report from state authorities and take necessary action, it said.
BJP, in their submission to the Commission, said EC should also provide proper security to the political workers of BJP who, being "intentionally targeted in the CPI(M) bastion, have become vulnerable to repeated ghastly attacks".
They also asked the EC to deploy sufficient number of paramilitary forces in order to ensure free and fair elections.
The memorandum cited a number of recent incidents of political violence targeting BJP workers in the state.