The BJP Friday sought a direction from Jharkhand Chief Electoral Officer L Khiangte to ask Jharkhand Vikas Morcha (Prajatantrik) not to use its election symbol, flags and collect donations in the name of JVM as Assembly Speaker Dinesh Oraon termed the merger of JVM along with six MLAs with the BJP as legal.
Heading a party delegation, BJPs state unit General Secretary Deepak Prakash met the state election officer and urged to restrain Babulal Marandi, who heads the JVM, from using JVMs election symbol, flags, banners, platforms and collection of donations in the name of JVM after the speakers confirmation of JVMs merger with the BJP as legal, a party statement said here.
Prakash further said that Marandi should respect the speakers verdict.
An official statement said after the BJP delegation apprised the CEO of their demand and the latter said that he would inform the matter to the Election Commission, New Delhi.
The speaker had on February 20 said he found it legal the merger of six JVM MLAs with the BJP four years ago, while rejecting JVMs petition demanding their disqualification under the 10thSchedule.
The ruling had come after JVM president Babulal Marandi and the partys Legislative Party leader Pradip Yadav filed the petition with the speaker saying these MLAs had fought the 2014 assembly elections on JVM tickets and attracted disqualification from the House under the 10th Schedule.
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