Unimpressed with Chief Minister Nitish Kumar's reply that there was "no lapse" on part of the state government for BJP rally of Narendra Modi which was rocked by serial blasts in October, opposition BJP today again created noisy scene in the state Assembly forcing two adjournments.
As the House sat for the day to take up Question Hour, Leader of Opposition Nand Kishore Yadav rose from his seat and asked Speaker Udai Narayan Chaudhary that they are not happy with the reply Kumar had given yesterday and would not relent till the government orders a probe by RAW, CBI or an ex-DGP of the state into serial blasts in the rally that killed seven peolpe.
Soon, BJP Legislators trooped into the well of the House in support of the demand.
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Speaker's repeated requests to the members to restore peace fell on deaf ears of the protesting BJP members.
Chief Minister Nitish Kumar was not present in the House.
The Speaker even told the agitating MLAs that many school students have come to the Assembly to learn about parliamentary democracy and what impression they would carry watching unruly scenes but the agitators did not yield.
The Speaker adjourned the House till 12 o'clock.