BJP's Good Governance Cell is organising the day-long workshop in Gadchiroli, Maharashtra on October 8 to debate on these three issues.
Recently, Modi was in the news for telling a foreign publication in an interview that the growing number of malnutrition among girls in Gujarat is not due to lack of food but as these youngsters avoid food and milk as part of their habit of dieting.
Asked if these views of Modi will also be discussed in the workshop, Vinay Sahasrabuddhe of the Good Governance Cell said the Gujarat Chief Minister's comments were in a different context and will not figure in the Meet.
Sahasrabuddhe maintained Gadchiroli has been chosen as the venue because it is known for successful experiments in saving children through a distinctive model of early childhood care cultivated by social worker Abhay Bhang.
A recent report of WHO and Global Hunger Index put India among the three countries out of 81 where GHI went up from 22.9 to 23.7 between 1996-2011. It is worse than countries like Uganda, Bangladesh, Pakistan and sub-Saharan countries.
According to UN estimates, 2.1 million children die in India every year before reaching the age of 5. Out of this, 1.1 million children die within one year of their birth.