BJP today lauded the two-day Global Investors Meet (GIM) that brought in investment commitments of over Rs two lakh crore for Tamil Nadu even as it said a key reason for investors flocking the country was Prime Minister Narendra Modi "creating confidence" among them during his foreign visits.
BJP state unit president Tamizhisai Sounderrajan said the Jayalalithaa government should put in as much efforts in creating conducive atmosphere for investors, as much it did in the conduct of GIM, which concluded here yesterday.
"Despite criticism (from some political parties), having conducted (GIM) in an amazing way is welcome," she said in a statement adding it was heartening to see more than expected levels of investments of Rs 2.42 lakh crore being committed, with the southern parts attracting a significant chunk.
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In an apparent reference to the previous Congress-led UPA government, she said there was an "accusation" that the then central government did not cooperate if a ruling party in a state was in Opposition.
"However, the Modi government has a policy of jointly working with a state government, even if ruled by an Opposition party, in the interest of the people and that is why Modi met Tamil Nadu Chief Minister (Jayalalithaa) last month here," she said.
She recalled GIM also had Centre's representation, with Union Ministers Nirmala Sitharaman and Pon Radhakrishnan participating in its inauguration.
Sounderrajan also urged the state government to take all required steps to provide necessary facilities for investors who had committed investments in GIM to ensure lakhs of employment opportunities were created.