Delhi BJP leader Vijay Jolly along with a group of party workers today heckled former Tehelka Managing Editor Shoma Chaudhury and defaced her South Delhi residence, drawing severe flak including from his party which indicated punitive action.
The protesters shouted slogans against Chaudhury accusing her of cover up in the alleged sexual assault on a Tehelka journalist by its editor Tarun Tejpal and painted the word 'accused' on her nameplate. Some of them even went on to surround and jostle her as she was leaving her house in Saket.
While Jolly and other protesters were booked by police, senior BJP leader Sushma Swaraj joined in the condemnation of his action and former party president Nitin Gadkari said necessary action would be taken against those involved in the incident.
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"We can register our protest in a civilised manner, but it was not done in a civilised manner and I condemn it," said Swaraj.
Gadkari said the protest was done in Jolly's personal capacity and party would seek an explanation from him. "If needed party would take necessary action."
Accompanied by protesters, Jolly had painted the gate of Chaudhury's residence and graffiti the word "accused" onto her name plate.
The BJP workers had protested outside the residence of Chaudhury, demanding her immediate arrest for allegedly trying to cover up sexual harassment complaint filed against Tejpal.
As criticism poured in against him, Jolly remained defiant, saying he was not ashamed of his act.
"I am not ashamed of the protest. Shoma Chaudhury has been trying to protect Tarun Tejpal. Ordinary people are seething with anger against Chaudhury for the way she tried to protect Tejpal. It is my right to protest," he said.
Asked whether he will tender an apology to Chaudhury, Jolly said no "I did not do this for fame, I did not violate the law of the land."
Chaudhury filed a complaint with NCW regarding her house being vandalised allegedly by the BJP workers following which the Commission asked police to file an FIR against the perpetrators.
"My home was attacked and defaced. It is very distressing. I am very upset about it. Then there are mistakes that must be discussed and I think there should be measured public discourse, which will be very useful one."
"I have absolutely no problem being questioned by anybody and definitely by my own fraternity, but I think what is problematic is the tone, because it creates this kind of volatile situations," said Chaudhury.
On Twitter too, people slammed Jolly's action. Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit lambasted Jolly, saying nobody has a right to take the law into their hands.
An FIR in this regard was registered at Saket police station under section 341 (Obstruction), 427 (Mischief), section 3 of the Prevention of Defacement of the Properties Act, 143 (Unlawful Assembly), 149 (part of unlawful assembly) against Jolly and others here this evening.