BJP mayoral candidate R Nandakumar sustained minor injuries on his hand after he was allegedly attacked by AIADMK workers at Sowripalayam here following altercation between them on distribution of money to the voters for tomorrow's polls, police said.
On information that ruling party workers from Bodinaikanur were distributing money by going door to door, Nandakumar along with some BJP workers rushed to the area and questioned their presence, citing violation of election code of conduct.
However, some persons picked up quarrel with BJP workers and reportedly pushed and assaulted Nandakumar, leading to fisticuff between the party workers resulting in tension in the area, police said.
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Nandakumar sustained minor injuries on his hand, police said.
Enranged over this, some BJP workers broke the window screen of a car and in retaliation, AIADMK workers stoned and broke the glass of a vehicle belonging to BJP, even as police rushed to the spot.
Police ruled out the theory that an attempt was made on the life of Nandakumar.
Nandakumar lodged a complaint with Peelamedu police station, police said.