BJP today mocked West Bengal Chief minister Mamata Banerjee's new year greetings to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, saying whether it was CBI inquiry into the Saradha scam that prompted her to extend such courtesy to latter.
"I wonder what has changed in 2016 that Mamata Banerjee is extending new year wishes in Gujarati to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, whom she had threatened to put behind bars in 2014," BJP national Secretary Siddharth Nath Singh said.
"Is it due to the CBI inquiry into Saradha scam and arrest and summons of your party leaders that all on a sudden you are extending courtesy ?" he asked Banerjee.
In her greetings to Modi, Banerjee had said, "Glad you liked the New Year greetings I sent you in Gujarati. Thanks too Narendra Modi ji for the greetings you sent me in Bengali.