In the eye of storm over recovery of Rs 1.14 crore, US dollar 600 and ornaments purportedly stolen from his flat, BJP MP Giriaj Singh today recorded his statement with police claiming the money belonged to his businessman cousin.
Accompanied by Nagpur-based real estate businessman cousin Rakesh Singh, the BJP MP from Nawada visited Sri Krishna Puri police station and recorded his statement.
"The money is of my cousin. I have told this to competent police officers," Giriraj Singh told reporters while coming out from police station.
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Patna Traffic Superintendent of Police Rajiv Mishra officiating as Senior Superintendent of Police of Patna at present, who was present inside police station told reporters that the MP told them that the money belonged to his cousin.
The MP's cousin Rakesh Singh is engaged in real estate and maize trade in Nagpur.
Besides Rajiv Mishra, City Superintendent of Police Asish Bharti was present in the police station with Station House Office Ishwar Dayal during nearly half-an-hour recording of statement.
The Patna officiating SSP said that the police have sought supporting documents of the money to verify the claim.