BJP today said it aims to add 50 lakh new members in the party in Uttar Pradesh during the membership campaign to be launched from tomorrow.
"We target to add 50 lakh new members during the membership campaign with focus on women and youth," BJP state President Laxmi Kant Bajpai told reporters here.
He said that while Prime Minister Narendra Modi and National President Amit Shah would launch the campaign in Delhi, Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh would launch it in UP.
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"The campaign will be launched on the basis of technical support of digital world and it aims to establish the party as the biggest political power in the world," Bajpai said.
He said that all MPs and MLAs would be present during the launch of the campaign and they would go upto village and booth level.
"We will seek cooperation of prominent persons and celebrities in the launch of the campaign," he said.
The membership campaign will continue till March 31 next year.