Under BJP's line of fire over CBI action against Gulab Chand Kataria, Rajasthan CM Ashok Gehlot today alleged that the party was politicising the matter while its state chief Vasundhara Raje herself had a clash of interest with the former minister.
Kataria was recently charge-sheeted by CBI in Sohrabuddin encounter case.
Gehlot, while talking to reporters in Udaipur district, claimed BJP state president Vasundhara Raje never had good relations with Kataria.
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"When it was her government, she (Raje) tarnished Kataria's image in land related cases. When he had planned to take a yatra (last year), she opposed and threatened to quit the party if he went ahead," Gehlot said.
The chief minister went on to claim that grapevine in BJP's circles is that Kataria was implicated in Sohrabuddin case by none other than Raje herself.
"Now, (even) BJP leaders are saying that Kataria was implicated in Sohrabuddin case at the behest of Raje," he claimed.
Gehlot slammed the party for calling a state-wide bandh yesterday, and asked them to take legal course rather than "doing politics" over the matter.