BJP will contest eight Lok Sabha seats while its ally Haryana Janhit Congress (HJC) will fight on two seats in the upcoming Lok Sabha polls in Haryana.
The alliance will announce the names of the candidates on March 7.
"HJC will contest on two seats (Karnal and Hisar) and its ally BJP on eight as per the pact between the two parties," said a HJC statement here today.
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"There is a wave of change in the country and people are prepared to bring NDA at the Centre and the HJC-BJP alliance in Haryana.
"The HJC-BJP alliance will sweep all the 10 seats in Haryana," Bishnoi claimed.
Meanwhile, sources said Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal is working behind the scene to forge and alliance between Indian National Lok Dal (INLD) and BJP in Haryana.
However, the Haryana BJP leadership is against any truck with INLD for the upcoming polls, they said.