In the run up to document drafting, a meeting of chief ministers of nine BJP-ruled states will be called soon to collate inputs, the party president Nitin Gadkari said at a panel discussion on 'Governance' organised by Indo-American Chamber of Commerce (IACC) here.
"For the business to function smoothly and to generate income and employment there is the need for visionary leadership, credibility in administration and fine tuning of decision making. What we intend to achieve by formulating a vision document is to set our goals to marked targets and achieve them in a time bound manner," he said.
He said BJP will also hold a lawyers meet soon to discuss the judicial reforms that are critically important to take the reform process to a logical end.
On corruption, Gadkari said it was mainly due to opaqueness of system and hoped IT-enabled e-governance will curb corruption by at least 50 per cent.
He said as a responsible opposition party, BJP would lend support to the ruling party in addressing these grievances.
"For any fruitful dialogue on these matters, the consensus should go beyond party affiliations and politics. The ruling party should invite us for the dialogue and then only we can tender our opinions and suggestions," he said.