"Four ministers from the government had met the Opposition leaders on the Lokpal Bill issue. BJP had given suggestions on it and the party is ready to support them in the Parliament. Two days are remaining for the session to end and we expect the government to pass the Bill," BJP national spokesperson Shahnawaz Hussain said at a press conference here.
"However, the government is still silent on the issue, maybe because no agitation is taking place on the streets," he said adding that there was still no certainty whether the Bill would be passed in the Parliament or not.
"The government is mired in corruption and hence it is afraid of the word 'Lokpal'," the BJP leader alleged.
The government should show some flexibility and accept the suggestions made by his party. "They should not be adamant on this and should not make it a prestige issue. They should accept the suggestions made by the Opposition," he said.
"Strong and effective Lokpal is necessary for a corruption-free government and to create fear among the corrupt," he said.