Debutant director Raj Amit Kumar today said a veteran Bollywood actor wanted changes to be made in the script to act in his movie 'Blemished Light.'
"I first approached a veteran Bollywood actor with the script. He said he liked the script very much but asked me to cut out the portions regarding sexuality in the screenplay. But, I was not ready to make any compromises with my work," Kumar said on the sidlines of the ongoing 19th edition of the International Film Festival of Kerala (IFFK) here.
The English/Hindi movie 'Blemished Light', a socio-political drama dealing with different identities of individuals, was screened in the "Indian Cinema Now" category at the festival today.
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"Though I tried to convince the Bollywood actor about the significance of the sexuality part in the story and screenplay, he did not budge," he said.
The director also said filmmakers should be honest while doing films and not compromise in their work.
'Blemished Light' shows that people who are considered as belonging to a certain identity are all unique in their approaches towards the most pressing issues of life.