State-owned Bharat Petroleum Corp Ltd (BPCL) has received clearance from the Environment Ministry for a Rs 337-crore project at its Kochi Refinery in Kerala.
"Based on the recommendations of the Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC), the Environment Ministry has given coastal regulation zone (CRZ) clearance to BPCL's project 'laying heat traced pipeline' from south tanker berth to Kochi Refinery in Ernakulam, Kerala," a senior government official said.
The CRZ clearance has been given to the project, subject to some conditions, the official said. The project is estimated at Rs 337.06 crore.
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BPCL, which operates two refineries, one each at Mumbai and Kochi, has pipelines from respective ports to the refineries for transfer of low pour intermediates.
The proposed project at Kochi would put in place heat traced pipeline for transfer of high pour intermediates like High and Low Sulphur Vacuum Residues and Vacuum Gas Oil (VGO), thereby adding further value to BPCL.
As per the proposal, BPCL will lay heat traced pipeline by replacing redundant crude oil pipeline handle HSVR/LSHS from North Tanker Berth/South Tanker Berth to Kochi Refinery and the pipeline will be laid in the existing corridor.
As part of this project, two booster pumps and necessary strengthening/augmentation of South Tanker Berth including replacement of a loading arm are also envisaged.