The Border Security Force's (BSF) Inter-Frontier Platoon Weapons Shooting Competition will begin in Indore in Madhya Pradesh from Wednesday, a highlight being the first-time participation of a women's team of the border-guarding force.
The six-day event is being organised at the BSF's Central School of Weapons and Tactics (CSWT) based here, said a senior official.
He informed the weapons that would be fired during the competition are the same ones the BSF uses in combating terrorists along the country's border.
"BSF Director General Rajnikant Mishra will inaugurate this annual competition. A total of 686 shooters, including 100 women, posted at 11 frontiers of the country will take part in the event," CSWT Inspector General (IG) V K Mehta told reporters Tuesday.
"For the first time, a BSF women's team is taking part in the competition," Mehta said.
The competition will be conducted in 11 sections by using Insas rifles, mortars, light machine guns (LMG) and snipers which the BSF deploys in real-time anti-terror operations, he said.
The competition aims to improve the marksmanship skills of the BSF personnel, Mehta said.
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