The BSNL Dakshina Kannada Telecom District (DKTD) planned to cover all the 349 gram panchayats in Dakshina Kannada and Udupi districts under the national optical fibre network project this year, G R Ravi, district general manager, has said.
A total of 470 km of fibre and connecting equipment would be installed under the central scheme for rural connectivity under the Digital India initative. The DKTD would provide adequate bandwidth to all the panchayats, he said in a release here.
The telecom district would also install the next generation network telephone exchanges in eight places in the two districts to enhance features on the landline network. Baikampady, Surathkal, Urwa, Kodial, Manipal, Udupi, Brahmavara and Ajjarkad are the places selected for the new exchanges this year.
The Mangaluru International Airport would be the first to get Wi-Fi coverage from among the locations selected for the facility, he said.