Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Mufti Sayeed today directed the newly-constituted Cabinet sub- committee to visit Kashmir Valley for making a collective assessment to fast-track relief measures undertaken after the last year flood.
In order to speed up assessment of immediate and long- term needs of the people affected by the floods, the CM asked the sub-committee, headed by Deputy Chief Minister Nirmal Singh, to visit the Valley, an official spokesman said.
The state Cabinet in its very first meeting had formed the sub-committee, while taking stock of the relief and rehabilitation efforts in the areas affected by floods in Central, North and South Kashmir and the worst-affected areas in Jammu division to assess the needs of the affected population.
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The CSC will travel to Srinagar tomorrow and interact with the affected population, especially traders to address their concerns immediately. The members of the sub committee who were ministers of the state cabinet will also review the working of their respective portfolio departments during their visit to the Valley.
The sub-committee led by the deputy chief minister, who holds the charge of Power and Housing & Urban Development Departments, will also include the Minister for PHE, Irrigation & Flood Control, Sukhnandan Kumar and Convener of the CSC, Minister for Justice, Law & Parliamentary Affairs, Relief & Rehabilitation Syed Basharat Bukhari.
Minister for Health & Medical Education, Ch Lal Singh, Minister for Finance, Labour & Employment, Dr Haseeb Drabu, Minister for Public Works, Floriculture and Gardens & Parks, Syed Altaf Bukhari and Minister for Information Technology, Technical Education and Youth Services & Sports, Imran Raza Ansari are the other members of the CSC.