"A case has been registered against Sher Singh, Regional Manager, PUNSUP posted at Ludhiana, clerk Hari Ram and Ranjit Singh, owner of a rice seller in Bhutta village in Ludhiana for causing a loss to the tune of approximately Rs 5.42 crore to the state exchequer," Suresh Arora, DGP-cum-Chief Director Vigilance Bureau, Punjab said.
He said that as per the records, 1,54,615 bags (5411 Metric Tonnes) of paddy were stored at the Baba Khajjan Dass rice seller in the year 2011-12 but during a surprise-check carried out by MD of the Corporation the stock was found to be short by 1,39,465 bags (121 wagons of rice).
He said that in this case the officers/officials of the Corporation have also violated the custom billing policy.
The accused were absconding, Arora said, adding that the investigation was on.