Additional Sessions Judge Suresh Chand Rajan set aside South West Delhi resident Anand Rawat's jail term saying the ends of justice would be served if he is given "an opportunity to mend himself and to learn the norms of civic society."
The court asked him to report to the Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) (Traffic), South West Delhi, in morning for five days for assisting police at busy traffic signals.
The court asked the DCP to "depute him to assist the traffic police officials on duty at any busy traffic red light under his jurisdiction in managing traffic from 10 AM to 5 PM for five days from November 30."
The court's order came on Rawat's plea challenging the trial court's order sentencing him to five days in prison for driving his vehicle in an inebriated state on October 8, Dwarka here.
The court, modified his sentence, considering that he is youth with no criminal history.