Emerging from the Dilkusha Guest House after his day-long questioning by the probe agency, the Kadapa MP told reporters "clarifications have been sought and have been given. Tomorrow, in continuation of the clarifications, I will be facing them (CBI) again. I will be giving them further clarifications. They asked me to come back tomorrow at 10:30 AM for more clarifications".
When asked about the quizzing, Jagan replied that "it was very peaceful".
This is for the first time since the CBI lodged an FIR against him in August last, and subsequently filed three chargesheets against him, that Jagan was quizzed by the agency.
The CBI maintains that Jagan "influenced" his father and late Andhra Pradesh chief minister Y S Rajasekhara Reddy into doling out favours to select investors as a quid-pro-quo for investing into his businesses.
Meanwhile, fearing breakdown of law and order situation in view of Jagan's appearance before the CBI, the Hyderabad Police have clamped prohibitory orders under Section 144 CrPc in the city besides strengthening security in and around the Dilkhusa Guest House where a large number of police and RAF personnel have been deployed.
The probe agency had earlier said that it wanted to question Jagan on the Vadarevu and Nizampatnam Ports and Industrial Corridor (VANPIC) deal in the presence of industrialist Nimmagadda Prasad and senior bureaucrat K V Brahamandna Reddy who are already under arrest.
Prasad is the promoter in the VANPIC deal and allegedly invested Rs 850 crore in the business of Jagan for land allotment made to the VANPIC project by the then YSR regime on quid-pro-quo basis. (More)