The CBI on Monday moved a special court trying the Babri masjid demolition conspiracy case for summoning former Rajasthan Governor Kalyan Singh to stand trial in the case. The case also involves former Deputy Prime Minister L K Advani and other BJP stalwarts.
The investigative agency moved the court weeks after the 87-year-old leader quit the governorship, a constitutional post which offered him immunity from the trial for conspiracy in the Babri Masjid demolition case.
The court accepted the CBI application after ascertaining from the agency that Singh, also a former Uttar Pradesh chief minister, is no longer holding any constitutional position.
As the trial is being conducted on a day-to-day basis, the CBI application may be taken up for adjudication on September 11.
The other BJP leaders, who are facing trial in the December 6, 1992 demolition case include Muli Manohar Joshi and Uma Bharti.
In its application, the CBI submitted to the court that Kalyan Singh had been was charge-sheeted in the case in 1993.
It added the Supreme Court in its April 19, 2017 had said that Kalyan Singh, who was the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh when the Babri Masjid was demolished in 1992, could not be made to face trial as an accused owing to the constitutional immunity granted to governors under the Article 361 of the Constitution.
The apex court, however, had allowed the CBI to seek his summoning as an accused as soon as he would cease to be a governor.
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All the accused in the case persons are on bail. The trial in the case is being conducted on day to day basis as per the apex court's direction.
The CBI had filed charge sheet in the case against all the accused persons including Kalyan Singh in 1993.
Singh had been appointed governor on September 3, 2014 for a term of five years, which is now complete, the CBI said in its application.