In fresh trouble for social activist Teesta Setalvad, government today asked CBI to probe the receipt of over Rs 3 crore by private firm Sabrang Communication and Publishing Pvt Limited (SCPPL) linked to her from foreign donors, including US-based Ford Foundation, in alleged violation of FCRA rules.
In a parallel move, government froze the bank account of the firm located in Juhu, Mumbai, as the Home Ministry claimed that the firm was not authorised to receive funds from abroad as it was not registered under Foreign Contributions Regulation Act (FCRA).
SCPPL had received foreign donation of USD 2,90,000 and Rs 1.30 crore in "contravention" of FCRA and without getting clearance of the Home Ministry, said the Ministry's letter to CBI said while ordering a probe.
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The Ministry also asked IDBI Bank to freeze an account of the firm and not to allow further credit and withdrawal of foreign contribution without its permission, it said.
A number of violations of rules and discrepancies were noticed by Home Ministry officials who had conducted an inspection between June 8-10 of the accounts and records of the firm for the period 2006-07 to 2014-15 at its Mumbai office.
Efforts to contact Setalvad for her comments failed. She did not reply to SMS sent to her mobile. However, earlier she had said in a statement that Sabrang Trust had co-operated with the ministry's inspection team.