The CBI on Friday said it is yet to scrutinise the complaint filed against former NRC State Coordinator Prateek Hajela by an NGO, the Assam Public Works (APW), alleging huge misappropriation of government funds while updating the National Register of Citizens.
The APW, the original petitioner in the Supreme Court leading to the updation of the NRC in Assam, lodged the complaint to the CBI's anti-corruption branch on Thursday and requested a high-level probe into the alleged embezzlement of Rs 1600 crore by Hazela and his close aides.
"We will proceed according to the rules and regulations. The complaint will be scrutinised at various levels before further action is taken," a senior CBI official said.
The complaint lodged by APW member Rajib Deka has alleged that the former state coordinator and his aides have misappropriated approximately Rs 1600 crore released by the Centre for the NRC updation exercise.
It was also claimed that Hajela did not allow a statutory audit of the NRC expenses.
APW president Aabhijeet Sarma said they hoped the CBI begins an inquiry into the matter at the earliest.
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Hajela ensured publication of the final updated version of the NRC on August 31 under the supervision of the Supreme Court. The document left out more than 19 lakh people.
The apex court ordered Hajela's transfer from Assam to his home state Madhya Pradesh and he was released from the charge of NRC State Coordinator on November 12.
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