As part of the 'Swachh Bharat Swachh Vidyalaya Campaign', CBSE will felicitate the schools who have achieved highest sanitation ratings with a cash prize of Rs one lakh.
The campaign will be launched at all affiliated schools from September 25 to October 31 and during this period, schools will be asked to update their sanitation status online.
"Schools will be felicitated as per their sanitation ratings with the highest scoring schools with green rating will get a cash award of Rs 1,00,000," CBSE has said in a communication to the schools.
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If the rating is 'blue', the school will get a cash award of Rs 75,000 and if 'yellow', the school will get a cash award of Rs 25,000.
"We need to inculcate the spirit of hygiene, cleanliness and aversion to unhygienic conditions in all our children from the very initial years of their schooling, so that every child in the country appreciates the value of good, clean and hygienic living.
"CBSE awaits to hearing of every school's commitment for this national endeavour. The motive of this campaign is to make students realise that the hygienic way of living is the best way to lead to a fully satisfying life," CBSE chairman Vineet Joshi said.
Film shows, model activities on hygiene, periodic essay/painting and other competitions, role plays will be organised to spread the message of Swachh Bharat Swachh Vidyalaya during the campaign.