"CCTV cameras will be installed in the vicinities where large number of tuition centre are operating so as to keep a close vigil around the vulnerable areas," SSP Srinagar Aashiq Bukhari said during an interaction with representatives of tuitions centres.
Bukhari advised the administrators of tuition centre to issue identity cards to their students at the earliest so that mischievous elements can be easily singled out.
He also suggested that tuition centres should formulate shift system for students with significant intervals between two shifts.
Bukhair assured all possible help to the tuition centre administrators for ensuing favourable atmosphere in and around their centres.
The SSP also provided designated Helpline numbers to the administrators of tuition centre for seeking police help at any time.
The meeting came a week after a 30-year-old teacher at one of the tuition centres was splashed with acid by a youth at Parraypora, where thousands of students go for private tuitions.
The victim, who has suffered burn injuries to face and left eye, is currently undergoing treatment at Apollo hospital in Delhi.