Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal today attacked the Centre saying it tried to wrest control over the capital's Anti-Corruption Branch's (ACB) fearing filing of an FIR against a Union Cabinet Minister, but asserted that there was no such move.
The Chief Minister said he was told about such an apprehension by a number of senior Union Ministers and BJP leaders.
"(Najeeb) Jung changed the ACB chief on June 8 all of a sudden without informing me, secretly and without giving any reason. That's because they (Centre) thought we were going to lodge an FIR against a Cabinet Minister of which we had no intention," Kejriwal said.
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The Chief Minister also reiterated his charge that Prime Minister Narendra Modi was not letting his government work as the Lt Governor was being used to create hurdles in governance.
"What has Jung got to do with me? Are there any property issues between us? Najeeb Jung does not have the courage to create trouble. Modi through Jung does not want Kejriwal to work," Kejriwal told Aaj Tak channel
He alleged that for the last one month "Delhi Police officials sent by Narendra Modi have been occupying the Home Department" which is located above the Chief Minister's office.
"Secondly, paramilitary forces have taken over ACB forcibly. How is (L K) Advani wrong in saying Emergency like situation exists?" he asked.
"They have passed an order saying they will appoint chief secretary to peons. Then who will listen to the CM? This has never happened in the history of India. Orders are being given from PMO and BJP headquarters," he added.
Talking about AAP government's "constraints" in ensuring effective functioning of ACB, he said, "If a Delhi police 'thulla' seeks money from a street vendor, that is not acceptable. We will surely file a case against that."
The use of word 'thulla', slang for a cop, by Kejriwal was slammed by the BJP while Police Commissioner B S Bassi also hinted his displeasure.
"I refuse to believe that the honourable Chief Minister would have used any word of this sort," Bassi said.