Red FM today told the Delhi High Court that the Centre has signed the Grant of Permission Agreement (GOPA) permitting it to start phase III operations in three radio channels it won in an auction held last year.
The submission was made before Justice J R Midha by Digital Radio Broadcasting Ltd, which runs radio channel Red FM, while withdrawing its plea seeking directions to the Centre to sign GOPA for the three channels at Mumbai, Srinagar and Jodhpur.
As per the petition of Red FM, the GOPA was to be signed by May this year. However, since the agreement had not been signed, the radio channel had decided to approach the high court.
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Today, however, Red FM's counsel told the court that GOPA was signed yesterday.
The Union Home Ministry had on July 15 last year refused security clearance to Red FM which was associated with Sun TV Group run by Kalanithi Maran. Kalanithi and his brother Dayanidhi Maran are being prosecuted in cases of alleged money laundering.
Thereafter, another bench of the high court had on July 26 last year set aside the Home Ministry's decision and allowed Red FM to participate in the phase III auction.