Civil Aviation Minister Ajit Singh also assured Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik, who called on him here, that his ministry will advise Airports Authority of India (AAI) to take up the work relating to expansion of airstrip at Jharsuguda, an official statement said.
He suggested Odisha should also explore the possibility of developing Jharsuguda Airport in Public-Private Partnership mode, it said.
Singh said his Ministry will also "advise Air India and other domestic airlines to start international operations from Bhubaneswar".
His assurance came after Patnaik requested him for starting of international operations from Bhubaneswar to Middle East and South East Asian countries by Air India and other domestic airlines, the statement said.
AAI will also conduct necessary feasibility studies for the development of Jeypore and Gopalpur airstrips, Singh said and supported Patnaik's suggestion of organising a conference early next year in the state to promote Odisha tourism.