BJP national spokesman G V L Narasimha Rao today hit out at the Chandrababu Naidu government on use of central funds, alleging that the utilisation certificates submitted by the state were "fake" as they lacked specific details.
The state government merely submitted papers claiming it spent the money, Rao, Rajya Sabha MP, told reporters.
"This is misleading because a bona fide UC should list out details of how the funds were actually spent, the type of works, etc. Without details, they remain uttutti (fake) certificates," he said.
The letter BJP chief Amit Shah wrote to chief minister and TDP president N Chandrababu Naidu was only thefirstof"manydisclosurestocome"fromhisparty, Rao said.
Shahs letter triggered a war of words between the BJP and the TDP with the latter calling the nine-page letter "a pack of lies and half-truths."
"Ourpresidentsaidinhisletter that88per centofthespecialdevelopmentfundsreleasedfor seven backwarddistrictswereunutilized. Thisinformationhas been sourced from the officials concerned and there is no ambiguityinourclaims," Rao said.
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"TheUCs given by the stategovernmentarenotbonafide," he said.
Naidufailedtogiveanevidence-backedreplyto Shahsletter, he alleged.
"Neitheranswersnorproofs(to the points raised by Shah) werepresented," Rao noted.
"When the state government could not explain how it spent just a couple of thousand crore rupees and feels pressured, what will happen when it has to account for the Rs 2.44 lakh crore the Centre sanctioned," he said.
About the all-party meeting the chief minister convened today, Raosaid it was nothing but the TDP's effort to "cover up itsmistakes."
Asked why BJPremainedsilentonTDP's governanceinthelastfour years, he said, "There is nothing' new in this."
"Wehave raisedtheseissuesonseveraloccasionsat aparty-to-partylevel.We are nowcomingoutintothepublic.
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