: The Tamil Nadu government tonight affected some transfers of IAS officers, notably V Chandrasekaran, from the post of Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board, to Special Secretary to Government, Agriculture Department.
He would function under the overall control of the Agricultural production Commissioner and Principal Secretary to Government, Agriculture Department,an offical release said.
K Kumaragurubaran was transferred from posts of Director of Information and public relations, Ex-Office Joint Secretary to Government, Tamil Development and Information Department and Managing Director, Arasu Cable Tv Corporation, would now be Joint Secretary to Government, Industries Department in place of M S Shanmugam, who has been transferred
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Dr C N Mahaswaran, Managing Director, Tamil Nadu textbook and Educational Services Corporation and Ex-office Deputy Secretary to government, School Education Department has been transferred and posted as Mission Director, State Rural Health Mission
The release said that Under rule 9(1) of IAS (Pay) rules, 1954, the government was declaring a temporary post of Mission Director,State Rural Health Mission.