In further embarassement to Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy under attack in solar panel scam, government Chief Whip P C George today said Chandy, by continuing in his post, was making things more "uncomfortable" in the wake of the High Court's critical observations on progress of the probe in the case.
"If I was in his place, I would have resigned long back. Chandy, by continuing as Chief Minister is making things more, uncomfortable," George, who has been critical on progress of the investigation into the case from the start,told reporters.
He said it was for Chandy to decided whether or not to quit after the High Court's remarks.
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George, a nominee of Kerala Congress(Mani), the third largest partner in Congress-led UDF, said it was his personal view and party leader K M Mani, the state Finance Minister, would make known the party's stand on the matter.
George also said it was extraordinary that two High Court judges had made critical observations on the progress of probe in the case on the same day.
The solar scam pertains to defrauding a large number of people of crores of rupees by Saritha Nair and her accomplice Biju Radhakrishnan by offering solar energy solutions. The two have been arrested besides actress Shalu Menon.
It attained political significance after the arrest of a private assistant of Chandy and removal of two others from the CM's office for their alleged link with the accused.
Coming down on Home Minister Thiruvanchoor Radhakrishnan, George said it was he who should have resigned first in the wake of his comments earlier this month on Minister of State of Home Mullappally Ramachandran.
The Home Minister had clarified on July 11 that he had not made an critical comments on the minister and not stated in the assembly that Ramachandran had given a list of names to be included as accused in Revolutionary Marxist Party leader T P Chandrasekheran murder case.