Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan today said that the Haji Ali-Nariman Point Sealink project was "impractical" and promised to pursue his pet coastal road project, which is yet to get environmental clearance from the Centre.
During a debate about Mumbai's infrastructure development through a calling attention notice in the state legislative assembly, Chavan said that the Haji Ali-Nariman Point phase of the Bandra-Worli-Nariman Point Sealink was "impractical".
"Though the Centre has not given an environmental nod to the coastal road project, I will pursue it with the Centre. Besides the coastal road project, I will take up all projects which need environmental clearances, with the Centre," he said.
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He said that the Bus Rapid Transport System (BRTS) is also "impractical". He promised to convene a meeting of Mumbai legislators to discuss the steep hike in property tax by the civic body.
He also informed that the World bank has provided a Rs 120 crore grant for measures to prevent accidents on the suburban rail network.