Businessman Gautam Khaitan today questioned in the Delhi High Court as to why only he was arretsed in a money laundering case related to Rs 3,600-crore VVIP chopper deal when others, including EX-Indian Air Force chief S P Tyagi and his kin, are also named as accused.
"Out of the 21 entities in the case, I (Khaitan) am the only one who has been arrested. Former Indian Air Force chief S P Tyagi and his family members have also been named in the case but they are still to be arrested.
"These (Tyagi's) are more influential people than me. The court can ask them (investigating agency) why others are not arrested," Khaitan's counsel submitted before Justice V P Vaish.
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Senior advocates P V Kapur and Sidharth Luthra said Khaitan was a soft target in the whole exercise and was entitled to bail as he has co-operated with the investigation of the case.
"In my case, I do not know who are the witnesses in the case, so there is no possibility of threatening or influencing any of them.
His lawyers argued that "I am made victim in this whole exercise. If they have material evidence against me, they might have something incriminating against Tyagi and his family members to point out their involvement also."
"Let the investigating agency tell the court that I have never co-operated in the investigation or evaded my arrest," they said.
Khaitan, who is in judicial custody, moved the high court for bail after a trial court had on October 20 rejected the relief saying the investigation in the case is at a "crucial stage".
They contended ED has named 21 entities in the case but till date only Khaitan has been arrested.