The Delhi High Court today asked an NGO, which had filed a PIL challenging the Centre's circular on appointment of secretaries by NDA ministers, to file a representation before the Ministry of Personnel, saying "that would be advisable".
"Make a representation to the government. That would be advisable. We feel ends of justice would be met if petitioner is permitted to move a representation before the respondent (ministry). The respondent shall consider the same and give an appropriate response.
"Representation be filed within three weeks and same be considered and replied to within six weeks thereafter," a bench of justices Badar Durrez Ahmed and Siddharth Luthra said and disposed of the public interest litigation filed by NGO Society for Voice of Human Rights and Justice.
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Later, DoPT clarified the circular was applicable to OSDs and Secretaries and not to junior office staffers.
The NGO, in its PIL, had challenged the June 19 circular.