Arunachal Pradesh Civil Service officers are the backbone of the state administration and supposed to be strong, dedicated and sincere to deliver a clean and transparent administration observed state Home Minister Tanga Byaling here today.
"It is one of the most sought after services of the state and the risks and responsibility manning the post is equally high, so officers should be mentally and physically prepared to attend to any job assigned to them anywhere in the state with dedication," he said while addressing the 13th general conference of the Arunachal Pradesh Civil Service Officers Association (APCSOA), here.
Making a comparison of the dedicated service of the officers of the union territory days with the present day officers, he said most of the present day officers seek soft postings.
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"The road communications has improved other facilities like infrastructure, health and education everything has improved manifold but our young officers still look for postings in the district headquarters and nearby areas. The high image of the service left by those dedicated officers should not be allowed to fade away," he said.
Stating that the scope of a civil service officer was vast ranging from executive to supervisory and monitoring in nature, he said, "An individual is identified and recognized not only by holding a particular post but by his actions. Once you are appointed to a post you are to apply your administrative skills in all fields and not only follow the laid down norms and rules."
Byaling also assured to take up with the chief minister and chief secretary on the status of the implementation of Bagra Committee report to which the association had included in their memorandum for implementation.
Chief Secretary, Ramesh Negi, expressed his concern over absence of administrative officers in their posting places and sought fortnightly report from all the DCs and ADCs on the matter.
"For the people living in the remote areas the administrative officers are next to God to whom they bring their problems and grievances for solution. Get to the core of their problems and find solution for them," he pointed out.
The Chief Secretary also announced annual book allowances of Rs 2000 so that the officers in the remote areas are updated with changed technology and law and judiciary besides keeping their reading habits and mental alertness.
The APCSOA submitted a four point memorandum including implementation of Bagra Committee Report, providing vehicle to the officers on soft loan, review of Notification on sharing of CD block for APCS cadre officers and officers of RD Department and release of Corpus fund for APCSO welfare fund.