As much as Rs 42,000 crore was invested in renewable energy projects last fiscal with Madhya Pradesh remaining at the top with maximum inflow at Rs 8,867.34 crore, Parliament was informed today.
"Most of the investment in renewable energy came from private sector. Total estimated investment in renewable energy power projects during 2015-16 assuming an investment of Rs 6 crore per MW is around Rs 42,000 crore," New and Renewable Energy Minister Piyush Goyal said in a written reply to the Lok Sabha today.
The maximum flow of investment in renewable energy projects last fiscal was recorded in Madhya Pradesh at Rs 8,867.34 crore followed by Tamil Nadu (Rs 6,346.2 crore) and Rajasthan (Rs 6,058.68 crore).
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In another reply, the minister said that as per the Central Electricity Authority, share of renewable energy in the electricity mix in the year 2014-15 was 7.16 per cent, less than suggested under NAPCC.
The National Action Plan on Climate Change (NACC) suggests that starting 2009-10, the national renewables standard may be set at 5 per cent of total grid's purchase, to be increased by one per cent each year for 10 years, there by reaching 15 per cent share of renewable power in total electricity mix by the year 2020.
In a separate reply, Goyal said that an investment of Rs 91,150 crore has been made during the last three years for the renewable energy sector which includes Rs 308.92 crore for biogas energy in the country.