Crucial UN Climate talks ran into extra time as the negotiators from more than 190 countries, including India, today struggled to break a deadlock between rich and developing countries to agree on a draft text of a new binding agreement to cut global carbon emissions.
The negotiators, who have been in the Peruvian capital for about two weeks, are grappling to prepare the elements of the draft due to the logjam between developing countries and industrialized nations that haggle over the formula of sharing the burden for cutting emissions, and who should pay.
Peruvian Environment Minister Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, who presides over the talks, was seemingly frustrated by the lack of progress and called for constructive exchanges.
Vadal said, "We don't want to leave Lima with empty hands... We are in a time in which we should take decisions."
"We are almost there. We just need to make a final effort. Finding a solution would be a way to show to the world that we are building this process step by step," he said.
The climate talks are aiming to establish the draft text of a new agreement that will be signed by all countries at the next major talks in Paris in 2015 and take effect by 2020.
India is demanding that the key issue of adaptation must be fully reflected in the new climate agreement and developed nations should give enough carbon space to developing nations to achieve sustainable growth.