Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan will inaugurate the Shri Saibaba Sansthan Trust's housing project with 1536 rooms for devotees, on Gudi Padva (April 11).
A Chennai-based devotee K V Ramani donated Rs 110 crore, while the Sansthan spent Rs 55 crore to build housing project on nine acres of land, the trust's executive officer Kishore More said.
The complex has total twelve buildings, with each building having 128 rooms.
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The complex has 1,536 rooms of which 384 rooms are air-conditioned. It has the capacity to accommodate 8,000 devotees, he said.
A common room's tariff is Rs 500, while an air-conditioned room would be available for Rs 900. Each room can accommodate five to six people.
Devotees can book their rooms through the Sansthan website, he said.
The Sansthan will provide devotees with breakfast and tea for reasonable charges and also arrange a free bus service to the Saibaba temple, he said.