Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar today said that compensation will be given to the affected farmers within 30 days of receipt of the 'Girdawari' (survey) report on the damage caused to the crops in the state due to the unseasonal rains and hailstorms last month.
'Girdawari' is a survey conducted by revenue-department to assess the damages which forms the basis for compensation.
Khattar said that "unlike the previous governments, my government will act fast and give away cheques for the compensation amount to the farmers within one month of submission of the Girdawari report".
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Referring to his meeting with the Union Minister Uma Bharti in New Delhi yesterday, Khattar told reporters here that the state government would offer all possible cooperation to solve the inter-state water related issues.
In a reply to a question, the Chief Minister said that the proposal to construct Hansi railway line had already been sent to the Central Government. Action is expected to be taken soon.
A sum of Rs 14 crore has been approved for the south bypass in the city, and the remaining work would be completed soon, he said.
The Chief Minister dedicated the third waterworks to the people of Hisar which would provide 40 litre water per person everyday to 2.5 lakh people.
With the shifting of the vegetable market outside, the city will be decongested, he said.
The regional centre of Sports Authority of India will be restarted in Hisar, he further informed.
Earlier, at a function organised by the Bar Association in the court complex, Hisar, he said, "It is the duty of the judiciary to safeguard the civil rights and human rights, and advocates constitute an integral part of the judiciary."
Khattar said that the demand of land by the Bar Association for constructing the chamber building and parking would be considered. Also, grant of Rs 51 lakh would be given for setting up a library for advocates, he said.