Kerala Sports Minister E P Jayarajan, who courted a row after state Sports Council President Anju Bobby Geroge accused him of insulting her, today said a lot of complaints had been received on the Council's functioning and attempts were on to prevent a probe into them.
Complaints about the functioning of the Council had been received from its former functioneries and sportspersons, Jayarajan said in a statement here a day after a row erupted with Anju accusing him of insulting her with 'corruption' charges when she met him.
It was suspected that 'certain centres' were trying to prevent a probe into the complaints and protect the 'corrupt persons' by misleading the media, Jayarajan charged.
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The LDF government was contemplating initatives for a major boost to sports in the state, he said expressing the hope that sportspersons would extend full support to the government for its steps.
Referring to the meeting he had with Anju, the Minister said he had generally mentioned that the LDF government would not tolerate corruption. The government was of the view that some of the appointments made would add financial burden to the Council.
At the outset, the government was of the opinion that the sanction given to some persons to tour foreign countries amounted to corruption, Jayarajayan said.
"I only explained to her certain things that came to my notice," he said.
Anju, who returned in a cordial manner on June 7 (after the meeting), came out with allegations on June 9, he said adding "I failed to understand why she took this stand after two days".
"The media came out against me without understanding these facts, Jayarajan said.